The editorial board of the journal adheres to the principles of academic integrity.

Conclusions about the presence / absence of plagiarism or borrowing without proper citation are made by deputy editor-in-chief through relevant programs as well as reviewers during the review.

The journal does not publish material if there are reasons to consider them:

plagiarism – the disclosure (partially or completely) of the scientific results obtained by other persons as the results of their own research and / or reproduction of published texts of other authors without specification of authorship;

auto-plagiarism – the promulgation (partially or completely) their own previously published scientific results as new scientific results;

fabrication – the production of data or facts used in scientific research;

falsification – a deliberate change or modification of existing data relating to scientific research.

Determination of violations of academic integrity is given in accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On Education" dated September 5, 2017, Article 42. Academic integrity, paragraph 4.