ISSN 2313-5883
Z arhìvìv VUČK, GPU, NKVD, KGB
1. General requirements
The editorial board of the journal accepts analytical articles, documents, memoirs and other materials in accordance with the profile of the issue. A prerequisite is to study the problems of state terror of the Soviet period as well as the activities of secret services. Documents not previously published should be accompanied by appropriate archeographycal work and analysis of its contents. Book reviews are submitted together with a copy of the publication in print or electronic form.
Manuscripts should be submitted electronically to the following email address:
Word's manuscript file should be called a short article header. Do not include your name in the filename. Delete any information from the text of the manuscript that could identify the author during the "blind" review.
The "Cover Page" is attached separately and should indicate the following information: the author's full name and surname; scientific degree and academic rank; position, place of work (full name); link to ORCID profile; the name of the locality and the country where the author lives or works; title of the article; contact information (e-mail).
The volume of the manuscript submitted to the editorial board for publication is must be not more than 60 thousand characters (or 1.5 printed sheets).
Scientific articles should have the following essential elements:
• the problem statement in general and its connection with important scientific and practical tasks;
• the analysis of recent research and publications in which the solution to this problem was initiated and on which the author relies;
• the selection of previously unsettled parts of the general problem to which this article is devoted;
• the formulation of the goals of the article (statement of the task);
• the outline of the main research material with a full substantiation of the obtained scientific results;
• the conclusions from this study and prospects for further exploration in this direction.
Each article has the following metadata:
1. UDC
2. The author's name and surname. Position and place of work of the author. E-mail address. Link to the author's profile in ORCID. This information is released after the "blind" review process.
3. Title of article. In case of publication of the article in parts in several issues of the journal, its name can not be changed. The notes should indicate the continuation or ending of this publication with the mandatory indication of the numbers in which the previous paragraphs of this article have been published.
4. Each publication is accompanied by annotations in three languages – Ukrainian, English and Russian, each with at least 1800 characters, including keywords (from three to eight). Annotations are placed after the title of the article and before the publication of the text in the above order. In the short presentation of the content (annotations) it is recommended to specify: the purpose of the research, scientific approaches to its solution, the conclusions reached by the author as well as the prospects for further studies. A separate line after the annotation is presented with "Keywords".
5. At the end of the publication after the main text submitted References – a list of used literature and published sources in alphabetical order, executed in Latin. This list should not include links to archival sources. Links to Cyrillic publications are in transliterated form.
The recommended online transliterators can be found at:
• (Ukrainian translator on the portal "Izbornik");
• (Transliteration from Russian for HOST 7.79-2000).
List References formalize in accordance with the international standard of the list of international styles of publications APA (American Psychological Association Style), when the year of publication is given in parentheses after the author's name.
Transliteration of author's name, titles of publications, article titles is required. The author's version of English title of the article is provided in the case if it is available in the publication. The names of the magazines should be in line with the official Latin spelling.
At the end of each bibliographic entry in square brackets it is necessary to indicate in English the language of the original of the publication [in Ukrainian], [in English], [in Russian].
The metadata for points 2, 3 and 4 should be submitted in three languages (in Ukrainian, English and Russian). Information in Russian is only intended for publication on the website of the magazine.
2. Requirements for the execution of the text
Text editor – no lower than Microsoft Office 2003, font – Times New Roman, 14, line spacing – 1.5, shore – all 2 cm, paragraph indentation – 1.25 cm. The file format – .DOC, .DOCX or .RTF
When typing, the following general rules should be observed:
• put only one space between words;
• the text should be typed without word transference;
• it is not allowed to form paragraphs using spaces and tabs.
The dates must be typing with dash without spaces. Before the abbreviations p., рp., ст. [only for text in Cyrillic] put an indissoluble space. If to give dates in brackets, it is not necessary to write "pp." (1861 р., 1945–1947 рр., (1945–1947), XV–XVIII ст.). In combinations of definitions of decades between dates put a dash with spaces: 1940-х – 50-х рр., 1940-х – 60-х рр. Years that do not coincide with the calendar, submit through inclined dash (1997/98 academic year; 2012/13 budget year).
Create tables automatically. To the right of the table name, put the "Table" inscription with its number (highlight it in italics). The name of the table is placed in the middle of the page symmetrically to the text, highlighted with bold. All tables should contain references in the text ("table ... ...", "in table ...", "see table ...").
Do not insert graphics, drawings, or images into Word. They must be send in separate files. In the text mark the approximate layout of drawings and illustrations (for example, "Picture 1 here"). Signatures in the text to the images are mandatory. The image scan should be 600 x 600 dpi and saved in JPEG format.
Author's refinements, comments, selection, etc., which insert in the quote, make out on the following template: [text. – Aut.].
3. Requirements for the preparation of notes and bibliographic references.
Notes and links must be made in word by page in automatic mode with numerical sequential numbering. Bibliographic references should be submitted in the original language.
The bibliographic link should contain the following elements:
• surname and initials of the author (authors);
• title of the document;
• information relating to the title (monograph, notes, collection of scientific articles, etc.);
• information about the persons and organizations involved in the creation of the described publication (authors, responsible editors, translators, etc.);
• information on the changes and features of this publication in relation to the previous edition of the same work (for example: Iss. 2nd, processing and additional);
• output data (place, publisher, year of publication);
• information about the series (journal number, issue, volume);
• the pages to which make a reference or the total number of pages (when referencing the whole document / print edition).
Separate blocks of the bibliographic references divided by a dot with dash.
The author's last names are highlighted in italics. The surname is preceded by initials. Between the initials, as well as between the initials and the last name put an indissoluble space. Separate blocks of the bibliographic references divided by a dot with dash. There is an automatic designer of the bibliographic description
Under repeated reference to the work of one author apply a shortened entry: the author, the first two or three words of the title, three dots, dashes, page (for example, Masurets S. Insurgent trails ... – P. 200-201.).
If the repeated reference follows immediately after the original, its text is replaced by the words «Там само», «Там же» or "Ibid." (Depending on the source language to which reference is made). In the re-link to another page, the page number is added to the specified words.
If the repeated reference to the work of the author (authors) does not follow the original reference, indicate the author's surname and initials, the words «Вказ. праця», «Указ. соч.», Op. cit. "and pages.
The bibliographic references included in the complex reference are placed in alphabetical order and separated by semicolons. If several references to the same author (authors) are included in the complex reference, then in the second and subsequent reference his surname and initials are replaced by «Його ж», «Її ж», «Їх же», «Его же», «Её же», «Их же» or, respectively," Idem "," Eadem "," Iidem ".
References to archival materials are provided in the national language, depending on the location of the document, in accordance with the system of references commonly used in this archive (or country). For example:
- ГДА СБ України, ф. 6, оп. 3, спр. 282, арк. 66;
- РГАСПИ, ф. 558, оп. 2, д.54, л. 65;
- BO, rkps 161/58; rkps 17070, k. 45 v.
The first reference to the archive specifies its full name, and in the brackets indicate the abbreviation. In the following references only the abbreviation is put (for example, Галузевий державний архів Служби безпеки України (далі – ГДА СБ України).
The editorial board will not consider articles that do not meet the above requirements.
The authors are responsible for the authenticity of the facts, quotations and names. The scientific position of the author may not coincide with the position of the editorial board.
The editorial board reserves the right to stylistically and literally edit materials with preservation of the author's style, making minor cuts. Edits that can significantly affect / modify the text of an article are in agreement with the author.